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Sam Loyd

React is great, but as soon as you start building something real, you realise that React is just the view layer. It doesn’t handle routing, data fetching, or server-side rendering (SSR). That’s where frameworks like Next.js and Remix come in. But which one should you choose?

It depends on your project. Both frameworks aim to simplify SSR and data management, but they go about it in different ways. Next.js offers flexibility and control, while Remix provides simplicity and performance.

Let’s break down the key differences between the two, so you can decide which one is right for your project.

Routing: Two Different Philosophies

Next.js offers two routing systems: App Router and Pages Router. The Pages Router is the older one, and it’s still around for legacy reasons. The App Router is the future—it’s where all the new features are being added. It’s component-based and lets you define routes inside your React components. This gives you a lot of control, but it also means more complexity.

Remix, on the other hand, uses a flat-file-based routing system. It’s simpler. You create routes by creating files. If you want nested routes, you just use period delimiters in the file names. This keeps things intuitive. You don’t have to think too much about how to structure your routes. They mirror your file system.

If you like having a lot of control over routing, Next.js might be the better choice. But if you want a simpler, more intuitive system, Remix might be more your style.

Data Fetching: Different Strategies

Next.js gives you multiple ways to fetch data. You can use getServerSideProps for server-side rendering, getStaticProps for static generation, or getInitialProps if you’re still stuck in the past. These methods give you a lot of flexibility, but they also add complexity. You have to choose the right one for each page.

Remix takes a different approach. It uses loaders to fetch data. A loader is just a function that returns the data needed for a route. The nice thing about this is that it automatically keeps your UI in sync with your server state. You don’t have to worry about manually revalidating paths like you do in Next.js. Remix handles it for you.

If you need fine-grained control over data fetching, Next.js might be the better option. But if you want something that just works without much configuration, Remix could be the better fit.

Error Handling: Component vs. Route-Centric

Next.js handles errors on a per-segment basis. Each route segment can have its own error.js file, which handles errors for that segment. This gives you a lot of control, but it also means more files to manage.

Remix takes a simpler approach. It uses an ErrorBoundary component that you can export from any route. This component handles both expected errors (like 404s) and unexpected ones. It’s straightforward and keeps error handling consistent across your app.

If you like having control over error handling, Next.js might be the better choice. But if you want something that’s easy to use and consistent, Remix could be the way to go.

Community and Ecosystem: Size Matters

Next.js has a huge community and ecosystem. It has 118k GitHub stars and is maintained by Vercel, the same company that created it. Vercel works closely with the React team, so Next.js is always on the cutting edge of React features. This means you get access to the latest and greatest, but it also means that Next.js can change quickly, which can be a double-edged sword.

Remix, with 26.6k GitHub stars, is smaller but growing. It’s backed by Shopify, which gives it long-term stability. Shopify’s involvement means Remix is likely to be around for a while, but it also means that the ecosystem is still catching up to Next.js.

If community size and ecosystem maturity are important to you, Next.js might be the safer bet. But if you’re looking for something more modern and don’t mind a smaller community, Remix could be a good choice.

Deployment: Flexibility vs. Simplicity

Next.js is designed to work best with Vercel. If you’re deploying on Vercel, everything just works. But if you’re deploying elsewhere, it can be tricky. OpenNext, an open-source serverless adapter, makes it easier to deploy Next.js on platforms like AWS, but it’s still not as seamless as Vercel.

Remix, on the other hand, is designed to be deployed anywhere that supports JavaScript execution. It’s more flexible out of the box. Whether you’re deploying on AWS, Netlify, or even your own servers, Remix makes it easy.

If you’re planning to deploy on Vercel, Next.js is a no-brainer. But if you need more flexibility, Remix might be the better choice.

Pricing: Vercel’s Problem

Vercel’s pricing is a point of concern for some users. If you’re running a large-scale project, the costs can add up quickly. Remix, being more flexible in terms of deployment, allows you to choose cheaper hosting options if needed.

If you’re cost-sensitive, Remix might be the better option. But if you’re willing to pay for the convenience of Vercel, Next.js could be worth it.

Corporate Backing: Vercel vs. Shopify

Next.js is maintained by Vercel, which has a close relationship with the React team. This means Next.js is always up-to-date with the latest React features. But it also means that Vercel has a lot of control over the direction of the framework.

Remix is backed by Shopify, which gives it long-term stability. Shopify’s involvement means Remix is likely to be around for a while, but it also means that its development could be influenced by Shopify’s needs.

If you like being on the cutting edge of React, Next.js might be the better choice. But if you’re looking for long-term stability, Remix could be a safer bet.

Real-World Usage: Who’s Using What?

Big companies are using both frameworks. Netflix Jobs, TikTok, and Notion are using Next.js. NASA, Docker, and Shopify are using Remix. Both frameworks are battle-tested in production environments.

If you’re building a large-scale project with a lot of static and dynamic content, Next.js might be the better choice. But if you’re building a performance-critical project where user experience is key, Remix might be the way to go.

Hands-On Experimentation: The Best Way to Decide

At the end of the day, the best way to choose between Next.js and Remix is to experiment. Try building a small project with each framework. See which one feels more intuitive to you. Both frameworks have active communities and growing resource pools, so you’re not going to go wrong with either.

The choice between Next.js and Remix ultimately depends on your project’s needs and your team’s preferences. If you need flexibility and control, Next.js is probably the better choice. But if you want simplicity and performance, Remix could be the better fit.

So, which one should you choose for your next project? Pick one and if you don’t like it, try the other one. They’ve both got enough support to be around for a long time and it won’t hurt to understand both.

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