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Sam Loyd

In the world of software development, the rise of AI coding assistants is not just a trend; it's a seismic shift. Imagine a future where development teams are leaner, focusing more on senior developers and AI specialists. The junior developer roles, once considered the stepping stones in the tech world, are at risk of becoming obsolete.

The adoption of AI coding assistants is staggering. Over 97% of developers are already using these tools, with GitHub's Copilot leading the charge. GitHub reported 1.3 million users of Copilot by January 2024, and more than 77,000 organizations have integrated this tool into their workflows. AI coding assistants can boost productivity by about 30%, transforming how teams approach development tasks.

In this new landscape, future dev teams might consist of just a product manager, a UX designer, and a software architect, each leveraging AI tools to generate and refine code. The days of large teams filled with junior developers and QA testers could be numbered. Instead, senior developers might transition to roles that are more about overseeing and tweaking AI-generated code than writing it from scratch.

This shift raises important questions. How will we train the next generation of senior developers if junior roles vanish? The traditional career ladder in software development is being disrupted. Without junior positions, the pipeline for nurturing new talent becomes less clear. Some suggest that low-code and no-code tools, combined with AI, might allow more non-developers to create applications. But this doesn't solve the problem of developing deep technical expertise.

Critical thinking and business acumen will become essential skills for developers. It's no longer just about writing efficient code; it's about understanding the broader business context and guiding AI tools to produce the desired outcomes. Developers will need to cultivate a deep understanding of the products they are building and the markets they serve.

There are also concerns about the long-term implications of relying heavily on AI coding assistants. Some worry that the benefits of these tools are overhyped and that future pricing could become a significant issue. If companies become dependent on these tools, a sudden increase in costs could disrupt their operations.

In the short term, teams might expand to include AI coaches who help integrate these tools effectively. But in the long run, we can expect teams to shrink as AI takes on more of the coding workload. This will require new approaches to training and mentoring, ensuring that the remaining developers can transition into more senior roles and effectively oversee AI-generated code.

The habits of developers are already changing. Many are using AI coding assistants to generate initial code and prototypes, shifting their focus to editing and refining. Skills in prompt engineering and working with AI tools are becoming increasingly valuable. Developers must also balance AI assistance with human oversight, ensuring that the quality and security of the code remain high.

In conclusion, AI coding assistants are reshaping the software development landscape. They promise increased productivity and streamlined teams but also pose challenges in training and maintaining a skilled workforce. What happens when the tools break or the skills required to manually fix things aren’t contained in the company anymore?

At Antler we always want to champion new developers, we were there at one point in our careers. We believe that AI is best used to enhance productivity and skills rather than replace. One of our core hiring policies is that we want people that have come to development after doing something else. Those experiences, whatever they may be, bring value to being a developer and can assist in ways that aren’t always clear at the start.

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